
игра forza horizon 4 на телефон

Forza Horizon 4

Категория: Гонки, Симуляторы Разработчик: Playground Games

1 forza horizon 4

Скриншоты игры


Особенности геймплея

Пользователю предстоит сражаться в различных типах соревнованиях, отстаивая честь лучшего автомобилиста в мире Forza. Основной территорией проведения состязаний является Великобритания с роскошными английскими пейзажами. Forza Horizon 4 понравится всем любителям быстрой езды и реалистичной игровой механики.

Особенности игры

Основное отличие Форза Хорайзен 4 от других гоночных симуляторов – проработанная смена времен года. Разработчики добавили в игру осень, зиму, весну и лето с присущей им погодой и метеоусловиями. Сезон, во время которого проводиться заезд, сильно влияет на технические характеристики автомобиля: дождь ухудшает видимость, а снег делает передвижение по дороге затруднительным. Участвуя в соревновании, игрок должен учитывать время года и выбирать подходящую машину для успешного завершения дистанции.

Другим преимуществом является подробный автомобильный гараж, который включает в себя около 450 моделей разнообразных транспортных средств. Здесь присутствуют новые гоночные болиды и классические легковые машины, а также ретро-автомобили и суперкары. Игрок может модифицировать тачку, изменяя технические характеристики. Тюнинг машины включает в себя замену двигателя и оси, шины и диски, установку спойлера или гоночного сплиттера. Проводимые улучшения влияют на поведение автомобиля во время заезда.

Обзор игровых режимов

Гоночные соревнования проводятся в рамках вымышленного фестиваля Horizon, где игрок может попробовать свои силы в четырех режимах. Виртуальным гонщикам предстоит принять участие в шоссейных гонках по прямой или по кольцевой дороге; в спринт-кроссе со сложной, в том числе грунтовой, поверхностью; в автокроссе по бездорожью.

В режиме «Дух улиц», не относящемуся к основному фестивалю, игроки откатывают трассу ночью в черте города, гоняя по улицам. В каждом из фестивальных режимов пользователи могут создать собственный маршрут и провести по нему специальный заезд. Также есть состязания, включенные в определенный сюжет: их необходимо проходить последовательно. Все испытания проводятся в режиме мультиплеера против реальных игроков со всего мира.

Аналоги на Андроид

Официально Forza Horizon 4 не выходила на мобильные устройства. APK-файлы, представляемые на сторонних сайтах, не являются полноценной игрой, а только объединяют трейлеры оригинальной гонки и показывают игрокам рекламу приложений для смартфонов, не относящихся к серии Forza. В качестве замены любители мобильного гейминга могут попробовать гоночный симулятор Forza Street.

Forza Street

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Игра включает в себя множество удивительных испытаний, где пользователи соревнуются между собой. Игрок должен выбрать подходящий автомобиль, прокачать его по своему усмотрению и принять участие в турнире.

Forza Street обеспечит гонщиков захватывающими состязаниями, богатым набором машин и качественной графикой, которая позволяет наслаждаться заездами в полном объеме.



Now your favourite game is avaiable on Android and iOS. Do not wait, choose your software and play FORZA HORIZON 4 on your phone!


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Everything you need to know about FORZA 4 Mobile

The fourth release of the bestselling racing game series with open world, created by the studio Playground Games. The production takes on a journey to Great Britain, where we fight for the podium behind the wheels of over 450 cars. Forza Horizon 4 is the fourth episode of the popular racing game series. The game is dedicated for PC and XONE platforms only, and was developed by the studio Playground Games being in charge of the series development.


The fourth release of the bestselling racing game series with open world, created by the studio Playground Games. The production takes on a journey to Great Britain, where we fight for the podium behind the wheels of over 450 cars. Forza Horizon 4 is the fourth episode of the popular racing game series. The game is dedicated for PC and XONE platforms only, and was developed by the studio Playground Games being in charge of the series development.

The production offers the largest garage among all the releases so far. There’re more than 450 cars of over 100 makes, which we collect, modify and enhance during competitions, changing their looks, adding horsepowers and adjusting them to the given disciplines and conditions on the race track. Among them there are exotic super cars (with a McLaren Senna on the cover) as well as off-road vehicles and cult automotive classics. The game lets the player change the image of the virtual driver, whom he can dress up in new clothes and accessories and buy the properties unblocking special perks.
Besides the classic races there are other competitions, for instance, timing trials or spectacular events during which we fight for victory, for instance, against motorbikes or even planes. Moreover, the game incorporates a range of changes to the gameplays’ mechanism, from which the most significant are the weekly changing seasons. They do not only affect the weather and the length of day and night but also the course of the route and actual conditions; for example, in Autumn the roads are usually wet, which negatively affect the tyre stickiness, while in Winter lakes get frozen, via which can go useful shortcuts

Why is it a fantastic idea to utilize application given from our site?

We can name a few things due to that it’s a fantastic idea to play with Forza Horizon 4 mobile game from our origin.

First Thing distinguishes us from other people is that the accessibility to Forza 4 Android and ios versions. Due to that, it is possible to start the game on almost any cell phone that’s acquired up to date operating system and its hardware is capable of starting the name with no freezes. Obviously the conversion from PC system was rather difficult but it didn’t heighten requirements.

Due to a lot of hours of programming and programming, it managed to compress the sport, therefore that it weighs very little. It’s also worth to say that Forza 4 Mobile is a sport that doesn’t arrive with tremendous size. Its weight is rather restricted, which makes it a lot easier to find the sport on your cell phone.

Among the most important items is that the fact that as Soon as You click on Forza 4 Download hyperlinks, you’re going to get an access to some match within minutes, or even faster. It’s because we ensure that the entire process of downloading and installing the match is apparent, hassle free, and it doesn’t need from you any particular, sophisticated understanding. You Simply click one of those Forza 4 download mirrors and also take pleasure in the name!

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Step by step instruction of how to download and install the game

In order to enjoy Forza 4, you ought to:

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Game modes and Technical recommendations

In the game Forza Horizon 4 released for PCs and XONE one can play both alone as well as with friends, with the Internet multiplayer mode Horizon Life. The novelty in the game is the option of instant presence of other players on the server. Almost every activity can be performed in the team co-op mode or by competing only with the players, not artificial intelligence.

In general, the game is not much different to the last-year release, and it’s still about building a dream football team. Our football players can be bought in card packs for the money earned during a game, which is a good and bad thing at the same time. On the one hand this makes us a collector, which has drawn attention of a number of players to the game. On the other hand, you can’t create a team normally, which leaves us with too many unneeded team players etc.


Игра forza horizon 4 на телефон

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Forza Horizon 4 Mobile Game

Did you ever imagine of pocket version of best racing game Forza Horizon 4? Now it’s available! Developers attention to mobile devices users and created Forza Horizon 4 mobile. Are you interesting how looks gameplay, graphics and mechanics of Forza Horizon 4 android? Can pocket forza replace the PC and consoles game? All answer for this question you can find in below article.

This production with sure is the best and most popular racing game. In this case we are getting very rich content. Forza Horizon Mobile iOS is this same and have identical content but in case for mobile devices. In standard we can play at PC and consoles but this time game also is available on Android and iOS devices. Producer take care about each details in the game. Forza Horizon 4 apk have much available modes like:

First thing that you need about android and ios version of forza horizon is the fact that forza for pocket device have all content identical like at PC. When you want spend some time at play but you are outside don’t must worry for availability of your favourite race stuff. By getting Forza Horizon 4 with free download you have possibility to play on both mobile softwares mean Android and iOS. Of course when you play at tablet with one of mentioned system also game is available for you. In this case racing fans get application with perfect work of each details. Good news for everyone with small memory space at phones is the game have special compression, caused the smallest possible free memory. Forza Forizon 3 mobile with download have one more good information for peoples which love only best products. Graphics maybe not will be perfectly cloned from PC or Xbox version but this is normal because in phones we can’t put special gaming graphic cards. But don’t worry! Maybe in this case we have huge different of devices ability but in Forza Horizon 4 Mobile graphic is very similar like in desktop version. Last very big positive is possibility to make own control settings. Forza Horizon 4 iOS have possible to put control button on any place at touchscreen.

Forza Horizon 4 for Android and iOS

First thing that you need about android and ios version of forza horizon is the fact that forza for pocket device have all content identical like at PC. When you want spend some time at play but you are outside don’t must worry for availability of your favourite race stuff. By getting Forza Horizon 4 with free download you have possibility to play on both mobile softwares mean Android and iOS. Of course when you play at tablet with one of mentioned system also game is available for you. In this case racing fans get application with perfect work of each details. Good news for everyone with small memory space at phones is the game have special compression, caused the smallest possible free memory. Forza Forizon 3 mobile with download have one more good information for peoples which love only best products. Graphics maybe not will be perfectly cloned from PC or Xbox version but this is normal because in phones we can’t put special gaming graphic cards. But don’t worry! Maybe in this case we have huge different of devices ability but in Forza Horizon 4 Mobile graphic is very similar like in desktop version. Last very big positive is possibility to make own control settings. Forza Horizon 4 iOS have possible to put control button on any place at touchscreen.

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Forza Horizon 4 Mobile Download



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Игра forza horizon 4 на телефон

The app was developed with the intention to give users an easy transition from console to playing on your phone.

Powerful Design

Forza Horizon 4 app was built with a complex engine that is much different from the console version.

Epic Multiplayer

The app was developed not only for single play but also for providing an epic multiplayer experience for all users


Get Started By Downloading Now!

Forza Horizon 4 mobile is available for both Android and iPhone devices. Make sure you are running the latest versions of your phones operating system in order to avoid any issues. Wifi or Your phones internet data is required to play online. Click on either the android or iPhone button below to start downloading.

Download on Android

Download on iPhone

Awesome Features

Supports All Phones

Our App can currently plays, with varying degrees of success, Forza Horizon 4 on any phone.


It’s a common thing that high-end phones or phones with more ram have the best gaming experience and perform with better FPS. Low-end phones may experience a bit more complications.

High Quality Graphics

Our app contains some of the best graphics to hit the mobile world as of lately.

Perfect Design

Perfectly designed for all mobile devices, with an easy menu layout and easy to connect online servers that are based on your region.

Gaming Stats

Keep track of all stats with our new UI that details every race you’ve drove in.

Free Updates

Once downloaded and installed, our app will automatically look for updates each time you load it up.


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